LS Specifications

A22LS Light Sport (600kg)

Flight performance at maximum take-off weight
Max. speed, Vne 120 kts
Stalling speed (flaps down) 38 kts
Max. range (90 fuel, still air) 590 nm
Max. endurance (90 l fuel) 10 h
Rate of climb (ISA, sea level) 750 ft/min
Engine: Rotax-912 100 h.p.
Takeoff/landing run (no wind) 120/100 m
Wing span 9.55 m
Length 6.23 m
Height 2.4 m
Wing area 12.62 m2
Maximum take-off weight, landplane / floatplane 600/650 kg
Empty weight 310 kg
Loads +4 / −2


Dimensions – subject to specification (wheel/tyre and propellor type)

