“Although I did not build G-CHHB, a Foxbat 600LS, having flown only 20hrs or so in her, I felt I just had to ‘pen to paper!’. I have spent some 40 yrs in Aviation, 12 of them flying 6 types of helicopter, everything from a Bell47 to the Chinook, and 28 of them flying fixed wing, Chipmunk & Christen Eagle to Boeing 747, ending with a Command on the Boeing 777. I can honestly say that I thought the Chipmunk would be the most beautifully balanced aircraft I would ever have the privilege of flying, but that was before I took delivery of ‘HB’! She is so light on the controls, even with full flap, you think left, you fly left! One only needs to hold the stick with fingers and thumb as anything else would over control. I cannot wax lyrical enough about the cavernous cockpit, the performance, STOL capability, economy, visibility etc etc. All in all, I think you could safely state I am one of the marques biggest fans!”